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The Constellations Path

The Constellations Path is a Certification path on the way to reach mastery in the craft of Systemic Constellations facilitation  founded by Yishai Gaster (2006) in Israel.

Bert Hellinger- Father of Family Constellation

The Constellations Path

International Path for The Study of Systemic Constellations

With 26 trainers and staff we work together to bring Systemic Constellations approach to all walks of life.
To individual therapy, to pregnancy and birth work, to family therapy, to Shadow work, Constellations and creativity, Trauma work, Constellations and couples work, Constellations – womanhood and the feminine, Constellations and women of the Bible, Constellations and Rituals, Organizational and Business Constellations and giving birth to idea’s – from creation to fruition.

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